Join FLIPjustice
A Community for Female Legal & Investigative Professionals
Connect with Like-Minded Women.
Grow Your Career.
Make a Difference!
Our "big purpose" is to bring together Female Legal & Investigative Professionals (FLIP) in a supportive community of peers with a robust, trustworthy core set of values.
Here we will:
build referral networks,
grow our craft,
maximize efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability,
FLIP will give us the community we need to:
smooth our professional and personal transitions,
be more productive and purposeful at work,
balance our work with our lives,
achieve our professional and personal goals on our own terms,
make money doing what’s right,
contribute our skills to deserving causes,
set an example for the women who follow.
Whether you're a seasoned professional, just starting out, or wanting to explore our profession, we want you!!
As women we work harder and do more in all aspects of life. We balance career, family and community, and still find time to volunteer and mentor. We're always in motion, and always in a transition of some kind.
FLIPjustice is a safe space for current and future women in the legal field to find and support each other both professionally and personally, as we move from one stage to the next. We're excited to see you here. Let's see what we can build together!
– Vicki Siedow, Founder
Why You Should Join Us
We're a supportive community, networking our businesses and working together to locate the missing, combat trafficking and elder abuse, solve cold cases, and more. See excerpts from FLIP Mysteries: Women on the Case
FLIP Mysteries: Women On The Case

Membership is exclusively available to women who adhere to all legal obligations in the Legal and Investigative professions, including licensing, registration, and other applicable restrictions and requirements.

Not ready to take the leap? Click the image above to join our MAILING LIST!
Note: If you're a woman considering a career in the Legal or Investigative fields, stay tuned!